Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Meeting Minutes - October 20, 2014

Jefferson County Forum Meeting October 20, 2014

In attendance:  Charline Linhorst with VIA Youth Program, Chrissy Oberle with the Jefferson County Health Dept., Mary Tinsley for Congressman Blaine Luetkeymeyer District Representative, Sara Dee with Disability Resource Association and Missy Waldman with Legal Services of Eastern MO.

1.       Charline discussed on going applications with employment assistance and career guidance.

2.       Chrissy discussed information on their family planning clinic which provides STD testing, pregnancy testing, birth control and other services.  An agency brochure was passed out.

3.       Mary Tinsley for Congressman Luetkeymeyer discussed that the congressman will be hosting a constituents day in Herculaneum on November 17, 2014 at the Herculaneum City Hall.  More information about time will be announced soon.

4.       Sara Dee discussed their Holiday assistance food basket program through the United Way 100 neediest families. They are busy working on the food baskets.  DRA will have a Christmas open house on December 23, 2014 from 10 a.m.  to 3 p.m.  DRA has a Parkinson’s support group every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m.

5.       Missy Waldman discussed MO HealthNet and FSD issues as it relates to receiving, processing and approving Medicaid programs for children, pregnant women and families.  There are also problems with food stamp and child care recertification’s.  Missy handed out brochures to Public Benefits for FS and CC issues and gave the phone number to AFH hotline for coverage issues for children, pregnant women and families.

·         Sara expressed problems with FSD processing blind pension applications.  One case took over 6 months to process.
·         Missy told Sara to have those clients call our Public Benefits Unit for help.