Jefferson County Community Forum
March 21, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Date: March 21, 2011
Meredith McCarthy, Jefferson County Library-Arnold /Chairperson
Samantha Richards, Children’s Division/Forum Secretary
Debby Campbell, Get Healthy Desoto/Co-Chair
Erin Benz, DRA
Susie Davis, Alzheimer’s Association
Pam Branson, JCDDRB
Molly Pfeiffer, Jefferson County Library-Northwest Branch
Stephanie Pau,- MEAAA
LeAnn Henry, Community Member
Dale Chambers, American Red Cross
Paulette Hensley, JFCAC
Sandy Nappier, Jefferson College WIA Youth
Jeanne Haselhorst, Community Member
Diane Hetlek, Community Member
Next: Meeting: April 18, 2011
Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm
Where: Viking Annex
Introductions: Welcome to Jefferson County Community Forum.
Minute Approval: February 2011 minutes approved.
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Jefferson County Library-Arnold, Meredith McCarthy distributed flyers regarding What’s happening at your library. What’s happening at your library?, flyer is events happening at the Arnold Branch. Calendar of events can be located at She discussed JobNow is a new online resource for job searchers. Training on 4-4 at 2pm on interviewing and 4-7 at 7pm on Resumes. Contact Meredith McCarthy at 636-296-5171 for more information.
Jefferson County Library- Northwest, Molly Pfeiffer reported that the library now has a JobNow Database. There will be a training on 4-4-11 and 4-7-11 about JobNow to learn about job coaching, interview tips,e ct. Call Molly at 636-677-8186 for more information. Molly stated that there will be several programs during Money Smart Week. Surviving Unemployment on 4-4 at 6pm, Surviving Financial Setbacks on 4-5 at 1:30pm, Travel on a Budget on 4-7 at 2pm, and Safeguard your Savings on 4-9 at 9am. Call Molly at 636-677-8186 for more information
Get Healthy Desoto, Debby Campbell reported that the Desoto Farmers Market will be open for a Bedding Plant Sale on April 23 and 30th at 8am-12 and the grand opening is May 7th! She reported that there will be a fundraiser starting April 23. The fundraiser is a cook book from the Desoto Farmer’s Market called Cook Fresh. Advance orders are $12 and opening day is$15. There will be a Dinner and Show fundraiser on April 15th at 6:30pm at Ball Creek Bowl in Desoto. It will include a full dinner and a show by the Desoto Famer’s Market Musicians. Advance tickets are $20 and that day tickets are $25. Get Healthy Desoto Golf Tournament Fundraiser is on May 13th at Rain Tree. It will be 280.00 for a 4 person scramble, dinner is included. Contact Debby for more information at 636-586-4570.
Disability Resource Assoc., Erin Benz reported that DRA is beginning a new youth gourp feared toward adolescents (grades 7-12) with disabilities. Contact Erin for more information at 636-931-7696.
Alzheimer’s Association, Susie Davis distributed a information on a training to learn about the Basic’s of Alzheimer’s on 4-6-11 at 5-7pm. She discussed Care Consultation Day on 3-24 at 10am. She discussed Alzheimer support groups. Contact Katie Mclean at 314-801-0419 for more information.
JCDDRB, Pam Branson reported that there will be an All Ability Expo on March 5, 2011 from 10am until 2pm. It will be at Fox C-6 Service Center 849 Jeffo Blvd, Arnold. Lots of events going on at the Expo.
Jefferson College WIA Youth, Sandy Nappier reported there are jobs for youth 17-21 at State Parks Youth Corps. She reported that there will be a job fair on April 2 at Route 66 form 10-2pm. She reported that WIA Youth helps with job and education for youth 16-21 and that there are 200 slots open. Contact Sandy or Char Johnston at 1-800-292-1314 or 636-797-3000 ex 156.
American Red Cross, Dale Chambers stated that there will be a blood drive at the Arnold office on April 5 from 2:30-5:30 and that other drives can be located on the website at Contact Dale for more information 636-49-9150.
JFCAC, Paulette Hensley reported on the Jefferson County Community Empowerment Education Committee. There is a Google group and family health & education fair to collect donations for school supplies. She reported on Step up to Leadership; classes are being held at Arnold Career Center. Participants learn about how to participate in community meetings. JFACA is accepting applications for weatherization, head start, early head start and energy assistance. Contact Paulette for more information at 636-789-2686.
Submitted by Secretary,
Samantha Richards